Commonly found variants; note these may range from acceptable alternatives to non-standard forms or incorrect spellings*.
* Singlish is a largely spoken creole, and as such descriptivism (recording forms that reflect actual pronunciation in spoken language, or as appearing in the linguistic corpus) is more pertinent than strict prescriptivism. Nevertheless, the use of more standard forms (or for words originating in languages with Latin script, such as Malay, accurate to the original spelling) is recommended and encouraged.

also can:

full pack full-pack



field pack

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  1. (military) a large backpack used by soldiers to carry essential items needed in an outfield situation, such as a change of clothes, water, rations, armour, etc. It is also carried during some other training activities, such as route marches.
  2. Incredibly, they covered almost 100 km every day, each carrying a 20-kg fullpack of supplies.

    — 1998 February 1, Thomas Koh. The Straits Times, "Game for the race of your lifetime?". p.16

    ... the future load carried in a reservist's full-pack during training would be increased to the actual weight of the stores, equipment, and personal belongings needed during real operations ... This works out to something between 20 and 25 kg, going on the accepted basis that the load of what is in a full-pack should be about one-third the weight of the serviceman.

    — 1983 April 24, Paul Jacob. The Straits Times, "A real, FULL load". p.12
