Commonly found variants; note these may range from acceptable alternatives to non-standard forms or incorrect spellings*.
* Singlish is a largely spoken creole, and as such descriptivism (recording forms that reflect actual pronunciation in spoken language, or as appearing in the linguistic corpus) is more pertinent than strict prescriptivism. Nevertheless, the use of more standard forms (or for words originating in languages with Latin script, such as Malay, accurate to the original spelling) is recommended and encouraged.

also can:

kekanan pusing kekenan pusing kekenan puseng

ke kanan pusing


ke kanan pusing

expand for details Detailed etymology



  1. (military command, imperative) to turn right 90 degrees on the spot; 'right turn'
  2. Shanghai-born Wang Fang, 32, does not speak a word of Bahasa Indonesia. But shout the commands "kiri pusing" and "ke kanan pusing" ... and she will promptly turn left and right.

    — 2003 June 20, Michael Lee. The New Paper, "Singing to a foreign beat at the NDP". p.65

  3. to turn right; to make a right turn

usage notes

All other senses are derived from the military command.
