Commonly found variants; note these may range from acceptable alternatives to non-standard forms or incorrect spellings*.
* Singlish is a largely spoken creole, and as such descriptivism (recording forms that reflect actual pronunciation in spoken language, or as appearing in the linguistic corpus) is more pertinent than strict prescriptivism. Nevertheless, the use of more standard forms (or for words originating in languages with Latin script, such as Malay, accurate to the original spelling) is recommended and encouraged.

also can:

love letters

love letter


love letter

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  1. a brittle waffle biscuit made by pressing a batter of flour, eggs, sugar, and coconut milk in a special decorated iron to form a thin, flat, patterned layer, which is usually then folded into a quarter-circle or rolled into a tube around 2 cm in diameter. It is popularly eaten during festive seasons such as Chinese New Year.
    It is derived from the Dutch kniepertje, a thicker version which is often also rolled into tubes, and likely entered Singaporean cuisine via Indonesia; compare other very similar North Germanic snacks such as the Norwegian krumkake, which is almost identical to kueh kapit except that it uses cream instead of cocnut milk.
  2. Chinese New Year is just around the corner, and if you're a seasoned festive shopper, your larder is probably already bursting with a plethora of typical treats, such as cookies, love letters and bak kwa ...

    — 2016 January 28, Joy Fang. Today, "JUST A CLICK AWAY". p.60


