Commonly found variants; note these may range from acceptable alternatives to non-standard forms or incorrect spellings*.
* Singlish is a largely spoken creole, and as such descriptivism (recording forms that reflect actual pronunciation in spoken language, or as appearing in the linguistic corpus) is more pertinent than strict prescriptivism. Nevertheless, the use of more standard forms (or for words originating in languages with Latin script, such as Malay, accurate to the original spelling) is recommended and encouraged.

also can:

mat rock

mat rok





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  1. a subculture consisting of Malay men and youth who listen to hard rock and heavy metal, and accordingly dress like metal fans or rock stars, with long hair, leather or denim jackets, and ripped jeans. It is often associated with antiestablishmentism, delinquency, and social deviance, but also provides an identity and community for the displaced, misunderstood, and neglected of society.
  2. Immediate post independence stereotypes of Malay deviancy--the school drop out, the drug taker and the indolent musician were invariably masculine. However, Mat Rock today no longer holds the same connotations of deviancy with the greater social space given to the performing arts.

    — 2008 August 8, Kelly Fu Su Yin and Liew Kai Khiun. Interrogating Race and Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore, "Deghettozing Subcultures: The multicultural evolution of Mat Rock in Singapore". p.266

  3. someone (typically only male) who belongs to or identifies with this subculture
  4. synonyms:

  5. a subgenre of rock and metal music, usually with vocals in Malay, made by bands consisting of members of this subculture
  6. To be honest, those mat rock band members of those era did not make it rich although musically they are talented. They really play for love even though it seldom bring enough rice on the table. For these I respect them.

    — 2023 February 12, sgh. Mycarforum, "Malay Mat Rock Bands".


  1. of or relating to this subculture
  2. synonyms:


entries starting with

'mat rok'