Commonly found variants; note these may range from acceptable alternatives to non-standard forms or incorrect spellings*.
* Singlish is a largely spoken creole, and as such descriptivism (recording forms that reflect actual pronunciation in spoken language, or as appearing in the linguistic corpus) is more pertinent than strict prescriptivism. Nevertheless, the use of more standard forms (or for words originating in languages with Latin script, such as Malay, accurate to the original spelling) is recommended and encouraged.

also can:

soyabean soybean

soya bean





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  1. the edible seeds of the legume plant Glycine max, which are widely used in Asian cuisine — such as in soya sauce, desserts like tau huay, and drinks like tau huay chui.
  2. Soya bean products (e.g. beancurd, tempeh and soya milk) belong to the meat and alternatives food group and this food group provides protein, which is an essential nutrient that serves numerous functions.

    — 2022 November 15., "Soya Bean — The Unique Plant Protein".

entries starting with

'soya bean'