tongkat ali


tongkat ali

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  1. Eurycoma longifolia (or sometimes also the similar-looking species Polyalthia bullata), a bitter-tasting medicinal plant traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, sexual health supplement, analgesic, general medicine, and food additive or supplement
  2. The jungle shrub — popularly known as Tongkat Ali (Walking Stick Ali) — is a traditional sex tonic, long peddled by roadside medicine men and sold by the inch.

    — 1990. South. South Publications Limited. ed.111-116, p.5

    He made me drink the boiled root of tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) to flush the liver and kidneys of impurities. (Yes, it’s also an aphrodisiac.)

    — 2014, Andrew Johnson. AJ’s Food Roots. Landmark Books Pte Ltd. p.9

