Category: childish
This page lists all currently defined terms tagged in the category childish.
- bear bear
- bird bird
- chou chou
- friend
- friend friend
- gai gai
- gao gao
- ku ku bird
- ku ku jiao
- kuku
- mak kau hijau
- masak-masak
- meow meow
- mum mum
- neh nanny boo boo
- neh neh
- neh neh pok
- ng ng
- ni ma ma mei you mao
- or or
- orbi
- orbi good
- orbi quek
- orh
- orh hor
- pat pat
- pong pong
- poot poot
- see no touch, touch no see, see and touch, pay money
- shee shee
- yucks
- zhut zhut
If you believe a term is wrongly tagged, or a term should belong in this category, please drop me a suggestion!