Category: rhyming slang
This page lists all currently defined terms tagged in the category rhyming slang.
- bo ta bo lam pa
- chop chop kali pok
- drama mama
- gabra like zebra
- gotong royong
- hongster never die, tiong sim is a lie
- oon oon jiak bee hoon
- pattern more than badminton
- pattern zuay kuay badminton
- rabz-kebabz
- see no touch, touch no see, see and touch, pay money
- song kao Jurong
- steady pom pi pi
- steady steady eat vermicelli
- stylo milo
- sui sui bo zao zui
- ta liao superstar
- talk cock sing song play ping pong
- tiong sim is a lie, hongster never die
- yaya papaya
If you believe a term is wrongly tagged, or a term should belong in this category, please drop me a suggestion!