where got






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  1. used to express doubt about or question when or whether something is (or was), existed, happened, got done, etc.
  2. For a little more than the price of a top-of-the-line steak lunch, diners get to enjoy all the red, white, and pink (raw) meats he or she can stomach. Where got bad?

    — 2009 October 3, Don Mendoza. Today, "a matter of taste.". p.40

    Money No Enough actor Lee Han Kwan ... asked the judge to defer sentencing so that he could complete the filming for a movie, Where Got Problem. District judge Adrian Soon was only too happy to oblige. His reply: "Where got problem."

    — 1998 December 12. The Straits Times, "POSTPONE JUSTICE? WHERE GOT PROBLEM". p.74

usage notes

Can be combined with where can to form the longer phrase where got can.

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'where got'